Mobile First approach powered by Siebel CRM to Enhance User Experience

Do you know the first thing that your consumer expects from your business? Is it empathy? Is it the understanding from the people assisting them? Or is it a flawless customer experience? The answer to it can vary from business to business but if we look at it from a banking customer perspective then the consumer is looking for everything at their fingertips. They want it instantly.
These growing expectations have given birth to a mobile-first digital transformation strategy. It helps the business in providing the services that consumers are looking for. And if you still taking the old route for fluffing customer expectations then be ready to lose consumers to your competition.
Therefore, it becomes essential for one to embrace these upcoming technologies to enhance employee’s productivity, and at the same time gives your customer an overwhelming and satisfying experience.
Mobile-First Approach: What Does It Mean?
The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well. And if you know how to do it then the sky is your limit.
“The trend towards the transition of digital banking services to mobile applications has become so obvious that it is no longer necessary to provide extensive statistics to justify it. According to a number of EU banks, at the end of 2019, the ratio of customers using a mobile application ranged from 58% to 72%, and during Q1 2020, that figure had increased and reached 82%.”
Even some unprecedented changes caused by pandemic has undeniably boosted the growth of mobile digital offerings. It means banks and financial institutions have to come up with new ways and mediums to remain relevant to their employees so that they can continue working from their homes.
However, mobile banking not only simplifies customer banking needs but at the same time it helps bank receives a sharp increase in the number of satisfied and loyal customer and enjoys increased brand loyalty and the opportunities to sell new services.
But what makes mobile CRM a friendly and apt pick for sales and marketing professionals in the banking world? It enables the teams to access and manage information in real-time, wherever they are. Earlier, employees were tied to their desks and were supposed to be available whenever customers need them. Just like customer expectation is changing, banks and financial institution are also responding to them the way they are expecting. Sales team members travel between offices and locations to meet their customers. Research has shown that companies gain an extra 240 hours of work annually from employees using mobile devices for work-related purposes.
This is because mobile smart devices allow users the freedom to work from wherever suits them best.
How to create a Mobile-First strategy?
Adopting a mobile-first strategy in your organization can be challenging or daunting in many ways, but if implemented correctly then the outcomes are immense. To lay down a strong foundation, banks must first understand their customer journey, identify their usage, check the integrity of the devices their employees use, and lastly make sure customers’ confidential data is protected.
Once these things are addressed, mobile CRM can lead to immense benefits for employees when they’re away from their office enabling them to:
- Deliver real-time critical information
- Easy access to a full desktop computing solution from a remote location
- Close deals more quickly while on the road
- Help user collaborate with colleagues and customers
- Integrate PIN and CRM information that they need to work more efficiently
- Share contact and lead information with other account team members
Staying connected with Siebel CRM mobile
Sales representatives need to perform common and repetitive tasks quickly, such as managing appointments, collaborating with sales team members, and connecting with customer contacts.
With Siebel CRM mobile solution, you can get real-time access to customer’s information, history, reports, and more, over your smartphones, tablets, and any other devices. It offers pre-built mobile applications such as sales mobile and service mobile, which can be configured and integrated with the Siebel CRM applications.
Moreover, it can enable your customer-facing teams to stay connected anywhere anytime. This means with a single click, users can view account team and customer contact information; communicate with them through a call, email, or text message; and get driving directions.
Bottom Line
“Business on the go” is in need of an hour and it will be here to stay irrespective of businesses. That means mobile solutions are and will be an important part of a comprehensive business strategy and if banks and other financial institutions want to add value to their CRM systems then they need to provide a robust solution to their sales representatives that can ease their job by getting relevant information at a glance and quickly complete important activities with fewer clicks.
With proper implementation of Siebel CRM, banks can generate user enthusiasm, resulting in better customer insight to improve customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and lastly increase sales.